Know your tax obligations as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident living in Canada.
Make use of these year end tax planning stratategies to lower your business income tax payable.
Make use of these year end tax planning strategies to lower your personal income tax payable.
It is crucial that a business has sufficient cash available to pay its bills as they come due. This would at a minimum be a testament that a business is able to sustain its operations and is not running into cash shortages.
CRA's My Account provides easy access to your tax information and allows you to fast track the updating/changing of such information.
There is a provision in the Canadian income tax act that allows you to shelter any capital gain realized on the disposition of your principal residence.
Situations can arise when individuals may decide to make an RRSP withdrawal prior to retirement.
Based on the recent tax changes following are the ones which might affect your tax planning decisions:
Following are some of the business and personal tax changes resulting from the 2019 federal budget: